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Our Learning

Our Curriculum

At Miers Court Primary School our curriculum is creative, imaginative and designed to take account of children’s differing needs and styles through enquiry based learning. It ensures opportunities for children to develop their academic, moral, spiritual, physical, healthy, creative, artistic and social skills.

Children are helped to become confident, enthusiastic learners engaging in exciting, collaborative and independent activities. They develop a responsibility for making decisions that stimulate their curiosity to explore and enjoy acquiring new skills and knowledge. Children of all abilities are helped to achieve their best in all aspects of the curriculum. We are proud that our curriculum is constantly developing to ensure all children make good or better progress, drawing on the latest and best practice and ensuring that our staff have the expertise to deliver a curriculum tailored to our children’s needs.

We follow a creative and cross-curricular approach to learning, ensuring that key vocabulary is explicitly taught and that we highlight the key skills and knowledge that we are teaching. But, threaded throughout our curriculum are aspects which are led by the pupils’ interests gathered via our pupil voice conferences, and our pupil leadership team which is made up of school councillors, house and vice captains, and others.
