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School Times




Year R

8.40am to 3.15pm

8.40am to 1.10pm

Years 1-6

8.35am to 3.25pm 8.35am to 1.10pm

No children should be left alone on or near the site before 8.30 as there is nobody on duty and we cannot accept responsibility for any children before then.

The pedestrian gates will be open from 8.25 am.

Key Stage 2 children can go straight into class.

Key Stage 1 children will be allowed into their classes from 8.30 am.

At the end of each day, the gates will be opened from 3.05 pm and parent will be allowed to go to their child’s playground. Unless the teacher has been notified, children will be collected from their respective playgrounds at 3.25pm.

Please contact the school office if you anticipate that you are going to be late so that we can reassure your child.

Please note that the vehicle gates will not be opened between 8.30 and 9.00am and 3.00 and 3.30pm.

School Uniform

We believe that maintaining a high standard of appearance through the wearing of uniform is a crucial element of our school. Uniform gives children pride in the school, puts them in the right frame of mind for work and makes them feel part of our community.


For Girls

Red school sweatshirt or fleece or a red cardigan.

A white shirt or polo shirt with a grey skirt or pinafore dress or trousers.

For Boys

We recommend a red school sweatshirt and a white shirt or polo shirt.

Grey trousers or grey school shorts (not sports shorts).



  • Proper shoes are expected (not trainers) or sandals in the summer (not high heels and no plastic shoes or sandals as these can prove dangerous).
  • Trainers are only to be worn during P.E. or games.


  • Any earring worn by boys or girls must be a small plain stud and your child must be able to remove it by his or her self for games and P.E. No item of jewellery may be worn during PE or games. Earrings must be removed, taping over will not be accepted.

PE and Games Kit

We are fully committed, as a healthy school, to providing high quality PE and games in school. Due to the nature of the activities undertaken in these sessions, children need to be clothed appropriately.

We suggest the following: -

  • Shorts (plain coloured), a plain white t-shirt and trainers. Plimsolls are not suitable for outdoor games.
  • Children will need warmer kit in the winter months for outdoor sessions - a plain dark blue or black tracksuit (no football logos please).


Please mark all items of clothing with your child's name, this will make it easier for us to return it when the inevitable mix-ups occur.

School Uniform Online Ordering Information

We have made some changes to improve the system for supplying our school uniform. You can now order and pay for school uniform online from School Trends by following the link: www.schooltrendsonline.com/MiersCourtPrimarySchool or alternatively visit www.schooltrendsonline.com and select ‘Find My School’ and follow the order instructions.

You can either pay online or, if you prefer, you can order online and send a cheque to them. Alternatively, if you do not have access to the internet you can collect an order form from the school office and order by post. There are no minimum order quantities and your uniform will be delivered directly to your chosen address. As well as uniform with the school logo, you are also able to order plain items such as trousers, skirts and shirts. Other ordering information including sizes, delivery information and the returns procedure is also available online. We hope that you will find this new service an improvement to the supply of school uniform.

Lunch Menu

School lunches are provided by ABM Catering and cost £2.55 per day.

If your child is absent from school and meals have been paid for in advance the money will be carried forward to when they return to school. 

If your child brings in a packed lunch on a day that a school lunch has been paid for, they will receive the school lunch and the packed lunch will be brought home with them.