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Welcome to Year 3!

In Year 3, we have two classes: Kingfisher Class and Puffin class.

Please click on the links below to see what we have been up to lately in Kingfisher and Puffin Class.

Social Story

Each year, we create a Social Story for our individual year groups. The aim of the Social Story is to help children become accustomed to their change in environment as they progress upwards through the school. It outlines how their classroom will look, who their teachers are, and how the school day may look. Our Year 3 social story can be found here:

Welcome to Year 3








Our Learning

Structures to protect our organs

This term in science we have been learning about food and our bodies. This week our focus was inside our bodies, including bones and organs. On Thursday, the children were challenged to use the school values of togetherness and resilience to work in groups and create a structure that would protect an organ just like our skull protects our brains.

The children created their structure, and we tested it using Jelly as our organs. All structures held strong, and the children had an amazing afternoon.


3D Shapes

This week, the children have been learning about 2D and 3D shapes. They loved trying to create 3D shapes using pasta and marshmallows. They were sensible and survived the temptation of not eating the marshmallows! Well done, everyone!


Stone Age weapons/tools

The children had an amazing time creating their Stone Age tools/weapons this week. They were really careful and took their time. We are letting their creations dry, then they will be attached to the handles next week. We were so impressed with the shapes and patterns they created using the clay. Well done everyone! 

Archaeological Dig!

The children too put in an archaeological dig in history! We were learning how information about the Stone Age would be found. The children had a turn at being archaeologists and looking for artefacts in the sand. The children really enjoyed taking part and making a mess in the classroom. 

Welcome back! We hope you have had an amazing summer! Keep your eyes peeled for photos of our first week in Year 3! 


Useful Links

Below, you can find a number of useful links to help support your child's learning:

Useful Links

  • BBC Bitesize: https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/primary 
    This website covers a variety of curriculum subjects and topics and all different types of activities, from games to video clips. Just select the correct Key Stage (2) and you can search for the topics you're interested in. 
  • Times Table Rockstarshttps://play.ttrockstars.com/
    Don't forget to practise your times tables (and division facts). You should all have a log in card to access your own area. Enjoy!
  • English and Maths games: https://www.ictgames.com/
  • Curriculum games and teaching and learning resources: https://www.topmarks.co.uk/

Year 3 News