Welcome to Year 2!
In Year 2, we have two classes: Nightingale Class and Robin class.
ELS Phonics and Spelling Shed
Below is some information to support parents with phonics.
Our Learning
We are really excited to welcome you back to school in year 2! We cannot wait to share our learning and new understanding of skills. Above are some pictures of our year 2 area.
European Language Day
To celebrate languages day, we looked at a few different languages that were linked to some of our own families. We found out information about their culture and also learnt some phrases/numbers. We created factfiles, sketches, paper models of architecture and recreated collaged flags. We had a great afternoon and have learnt part of a new language!
As part of our 'squash, bend, twist and stretch' topic for science, we experimented in our PE lesson by using our bodies to create these different movements. In our groups, we had to really think about what these words meant and how we could show them in lots of different ways. Here are a few of our ideas!
Castle/fairytale day
Year 2 had a fantastic day on their fairytale day. We started off by learning about what types of food Kings and Queens would eat and then made our own jam tarts, which tasted delicious! After that, we started making our castles using our design to help us, we created battlements, towers and turrets. We also painted our own shields and made our own characters, linking to who would have lived in a castle. Both adults and children had a great day!
Number day
On 7th February, we wore clothes with numbers on to raise money for NSPCC. We completed different maths activities such as crack the code, where we had to use our number bonds to 10 to fill in missing letters of a secret message. We also worked as a class to play the game 'who wants to be a mathionare?', where we had to answer different questions linking to our previously taught maths topics to win a 1,000,000 points and we did it! What amazing maths skills Year 2 :)
Recently the children have been using beebots in their computing lessons. We have recapped how to use the direction buttons to make them move and have recently been experimenting with different algorithms to get their beebot to certain places on their maps. The children have loved using these and have shown some great partner work too, well done Year 2!
Useful Links
Below, you can find a number of useful links to help support your child's learning:
Useful Links
These online activities will help support your children with their English and Maths. We have looked at Karate Cat Maths and English in school. Not only are these games fun, but they are also repeating the skills that the children have previously been taught.