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Music at Miers Court

At Miers Court, we are passionate about making musical learning engaging, enjoyable and meaningful; we want children to leave Miers Court with an interest and passion for music of their own.

The scheme “Charanga” is used to support teachers’ subject knowledge and scaffold the children’s learning all of the way from the EYFS up to Year 6. This is a flexible, skills-based curriculum which is informed by the Model Music Curriculum. Charanga offers staff the flexibility to use their own judgements and to teach what is relevant to their class whilst keeping singing, playing, listening and musical engagement very much at the heart.

Our music curriculum is designed so pupils can become well-rounded musical individuals. We encourage children to participate in a variety of musical experiences which are designed to build confidence as well as musical skill. Children are encouraged to listen to, appreciate and explore different forms of music of increasing length as they move throughout the school in order that they can become reflective and expressive when exploring their own and others’ music.

Extra-Curricular Music

Children in Years 4, 5 and 6 are given the opportunity to learn either the clarinet, saxophone, guitar, violin or keyboard as a means of further developing the skills that they have learnt during their recorder lessons. These take place through external peripatetic instrument teachers paid for by the parents. Clarinets and violins are loaned for a small charge by Dynamics.

The Music Lead and colleague run a choir all year round, before school and during a lunchtime to prepare the children for Young Voices at the O2, Rochester Carol Festival and KS2 Choral Festival at Chatham Central Theatre. The children also have the opportunity to strengthen community links by performing in local nursing homes and in the local area.

A variety of other musical experiences are on offer at the school! For more information about our Music offering, and our Music Development Plan, visit the link below: