Welcome to Miers Court Primary School. We have much to be proud of at our school and the website offers just a tiny glimpse of life at our school.
We are a happy two form entry Primary and are proud of our reputation as a friendly and caring place where our children are encouraged to be the very best they can in all aspects of school life. Our children have a strong voice here; from our School Council to our House Captains, pupil leadership is highly valued and there are lots of opportunities for children to contribute to our school community.
Studybugs for Parents and Carers
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Our children have a strong voice here; from our School Council to our House Captains, pupil leadership is highly valued and there are lots of opportunities for children to contribute to our school community.
At Miers Court Primary School we believe in promoting a lifelong love of learning for everyone. We believe that creating inspirational experiences will foster independence and build self-belief allowing learners to constantly grow.
25/02/16 00:00:0016 Feb 2025
This term Year R have been thinking about what they’d like to be when they grow up! They’ve learnt about lot...
25/01/25 00:00:0025 Jan 2025
Our school choir did us proud when they ventured to the O2 this week for the annual Young Voices concert! Their behaviou...
24/12/18 00:00:0018 Dec 2024
Our school council elves have been out spreading the Christmas cheer as they delivered hand made Christmas cards to some...
24/12/07 00:00:007 Dec 2024
In the morning, we learnt the different Viking runes, translated our names and even turned it into a piece of jewellery...
Congratulations to Bumblebee Class and Flamingo Class for being the top attending classes this week!
On Thursday, 12 children from year 5 went to Mid Kent College for the HSSP Dance Festival. 16 schools took part with over 200 children from Primary and Secondary Schools. The children participated in two dance workshops, before having a dress and technical rehearsal. In the evening they performed in front of a packed audience. They were amazing! A fantastic time was had by all who attended and they did Miers Court proud. Mrs Ridley and Miss Ridley
Today, we were then lucky enough to welcome some special visitors into school. Mr and Mrs Marshman came into school to tell Years 2 and 3 about the book they have written which celebrates a character called Champ and the special gift he has. At times the world can be a bit overwhelming for Champ but there is beauty at seeing the world through his eyes and a special underlying message to embrace diversity and show empathy for each other. It was a wonderful opportunity to welcome Mr and Mrs Marshman and the children gained a really powerful insight into other people's perspectives. This gave the children a really meaningful, first hand account of just how special (but also sometimes challenging) neurodiversity can be. We are really grateful to have had this visit. If you would like to know more about the book or think your child might enjoy having a read then it can be found here: https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B0DX72WHF9
We would like to say a massive thank you to our amazing PTFA. They have provided us with some much needed funds to enable us to purchase some lovely new books to supplement the new Accelerated Reading scheme in the school library. Choices were limited within some ZPD ranges so thank you so much for giving the children a better variety and enabling us to continue to develop their love of reading.